How Internet/Technology Is Making us Dumb

There are many ways it increases risk, so this is a work in progress:

Less Need to Investigate & Contemplate Ideas

Never before, with a “thumbs up” has it been so easy to spread ideas without much thinking at all. I’m sure this non-survival type behavioral trend, like many others, has probably been underway slowly for 100’s of years, but it’s now probably accelerating somewhere at least near the speed of Moore’s Law.

Why? Never has life been so easy as it is today, therefore carefulness must decay overall in response. If people do not need to know how to grow or cook food, basic life functions, chances are they will not learn how to.

Critical thinking is more optional than ever because the real demand for it is decreasing. We are rich, life is relatively easy, and death is fairly foreign in the modern world. Evolution is dead.

If deep thinking is occurring, chances are it’s increasingly abstract (e.g. modern art) because we do not need to be concerned with such primitive/concrete ideas, and it is likely to infect everything from our survival to ideological/political ideas.

Competition & Increasing Noise for Our Attention Can Leads to Poorer Choices

Even if you are very thoughtful, and people read more than ever, the reality is it is more shallow as more news, notices, alerts, and distractions consume us.

As a result of a exploding amounts of information, of which it is increasingly difficult to investigate the claims of, while increasingly difficult to know which ones are important or worth paying attention to, it should in theory become more difficult to make deep, meaningful analysis on any topic, while increasingly difficult to give attention to any single idea, movement, or action plan. It is a fragmentation or disruption of the mind. Even if we do study carefully, we are likely trading quality for quantity.

Technology is changing people’s behaviors, ability to think, directly and indirectly, whether we know it or not.

Tech Creates Crutches of the Body and Mind

More coming…

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